
KINGソリティアSELECTION - 日本語フリーパックアイコン


Price: Freeゲーム







◆ ソリティア・シリーズ by PRO.APP

◆ ここが特徴
1) 1つのアプリで人気の13ゲームが楽しめる
2) 抜群の操作性でストレス無くプレイに集中できる
3) 豊富なテーマでカードや背景をカスタムできる
4) 表示オプションでレイアウトまでカスタムできる
5) 操作オプションでお好みの設定でプレイできる
6) ランダムと解くことができるカード配りが選べる
7) マイレコードやランキングで色々な楽しみを演出
8) ヘルプ、デモ、ヒントなどサポート機能も充実
9) 気分転換、ひまつぶし、頭の体操にとても便利

◆ セレクション版ならではの新機能
- ゲーム選択:新しいインタフェースで選ぶ楽しさを
- DEMO/デモプレイ:ルールをより分かりやすく
- Rank/ユーザーランク:モチベーションをアップ

◆ こだわりの機能の一部をご紹介
- KINGディール:なかなかクリアできないを解消
- レイアウトガイド:山札位置とカード間隔が選べる
- 組札自動移動:お手軽プレイやタイムの短縮
- めくり札レイアウト:カードの視認性をアップ
- ワールドランキング:自動登録と手動登録が選べる
- マイレコード:統計とハイスコアが記録できる

◆ ゲーム一覧
[A] クロンダイク(Klondike くろんだいく)
[2] フリーセル(FreeCell ふりーせる)
[3] スパイダー(Spider すぱいだー すぱいだ)
[4] ピラミッド(Pyramid ぴらみっど)
[5] トライピークス(TriPeaks とらいぴーくす)
[6] 40人の盗賊(Forty Thieves ふぉーてぃしーぶす)
[7] モンテカルロ(Monte Carlo もんてかるろ)
[8] ユーコン(Yukon ゆーこん)
[9] ロシアンソリティア(Russian ろしあん)
10] アラスカ(Alaska あらすか)
[J] ゴルフ(Golf ごるふ)
[Q] スコーピオン(Scorpion すこーぴおん)
[K] キャンフィールド(Canfield きゃんふぃーるど)

◆ テーマ
- カード/カード絵柄/背景の組合せで720通り
- パーツのカラーも加えると約2万通り
- カード絵柄/背景は手持ち画像も使えるので無限大

◆ いろいろな楽しみ方をご紹介
「世界に挑戦」PRO.APP共通のワールドランキングやGoogle リーダーボードで、世界のプレイヤーと競争してみよう。

◆ ソリティアの豆知識
ちなみにトランプは切り札を意味する英語のtrump(とらんぷ)が由来で、英語圏ではplaying cards(ぷれいんぐかーど)と呼ばれています。

◆ お問い合わせ


PRO.APP ソリティアシリーズ



The definitive solitaire of selection app is here! 
Introducing King Solitaire - Selection.

King Solitaire - Selection, this game includes popular 13 games of solitaire.

Klondike / FreeCell / Spider / Pyramid / TriPeaks / Forty Thieves 
Monte Carlo / Yukon / Russian / Alaska / Golf / Scorpion / Canfield

Let's find your favorite game to play all games!

This marks our fifth solitaire app, and we've poured a whopping 5 years of experience into bringing you a true digital masterpiece!

- You'll find the smooth, responsive control of the smash hit Solitaire Victory here!
- For fans of Princess*Solitaire, the visuals are customizable! Switch up the look to suit your mood!
- This app has user interface which easy to use with in common with King Solitaire series.

- New features, Google Play Games supported.

- Function improvement. Choose the way to display a part of advertising in the game!

Check out King Solitaire - Selection now!

Our experience shows in the tight controls!

- Responsive controls are optimized for your touchscreen! Intuitive tap and drag controls help you keep cards moving at a brisk pace. 
- Layouts are optimized to fit the screen of your device, whatever it may be!

New themes and designs abound! Customize as you please!

- 5 types of card fronts, 12 different card backs, and 12 backgrounds provide virtually endless combinations!
- You can use your own images for card backs and backgrounds via your device's Gallery!
- Randomize card backs and backgrounds if you like surprises!

Customize the display to fit your play style!

- Choose from portrait or landscape orientations. 
- An optimized screen design offers a plethora of options for controls and how the device is held. 
- Toggle screen rotation (on/off, fixed portrait, fixed landscape).

Play using the index finger of your dominant hand while holding the device with your other hand (or setting it down). Works well with both portrait and landscape orientations.

Play using the thumb of the hand holding your device. Works best with the portrait view.

Hold your device with both hands and play using both thumbs. Works best with the landscape view. 
Individual elements of the gameplay screen can be moved around too! Choose the layout that suits you best!

- Specify your dominant hand and toggle the location of the stock (left/right)! 
- Portrait and landscape orientations each include 3 different layouts to choose from! 
- You can alter the size of the vertical intervals in tableaus, as well as the positioning of the foundations and stock! 
- Move the toolbar around via the Options screen! 
Having trouble winning? Try the Winnable Deal!

- While skill is a big factor, luck of the draw is also key. 
- Under standard rules you're dealt cards randomly, sometimes resulting in games impossible to win. 
- The Winnable Deal option, however, deals cards for a game that has been verified to be winnable! 
This app is bursting with features to play your way!

- Step up and beat your personal best if you're looking for a challenge! The game keeps track of your stats and high scores via My Records! 
- Itching to show your buddies who's boss? Beat your friends and post your score on Facebook, Twitter, or LINE or Google Game Service for sweet satisfaction! 
-Depending on the clear number of games, you can rank up. Aim the highest rank!
- See how you measure up against players around the globe via the World Ranking chart! 
Choose the way to display a part of ad in the game!

- Conventionally, display type of ad in the play screen is fixed. 
- Select ad type (banner in the play game screen/full screen)

And that's not all! Other features include:

- Infinite undos
- Auto-saving when your game is interrupte
- SD card installation

Don't miss including all solitaire games!!
And, we hope you will enjoy playing this app!
